Who Am I

created to create

Growing up in the Appalachian Mountains, I had little exposure to the studio arts.  While I was in high school, I took three Art I classes because the only other art class, Art II, met when I had band.  After high school, my Dad encouraged me to attend college where I earned a B.A. in Communications Art from Roanoke College.  However, I found that I did not enjoy the field.  After volunteering as a coach and working as a substitute teacher, I decided to get my teaching licensure in Art. 

During that time from young adulthood up to now I completed a tour in the US Army Reserves, got married, raised two children and spent 30 years in education. Then, in  2020,  I retired.  During my life, I have tested the waters in multiple areas in the creative world and am enjoying the variety and quality it adds to my life.  Like the bumper sticker says, “Earth without art is just EH.”

Patty and her husband LE still live in the community where they grew up.  They have two children who are now adults.