relationship series
My daughter once wore a “Steampunk” costume to a Halloween party. I didn’t know much about what that was; so, I looked it up. I fell in love with the beauty of how the variety of cogs and metals looked.
This piece in the Relationship Series represents how we drive each other, how one cog, big or small, can move another.
In 1786, Thomas Reid penned the phrase “A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link.” During my time in the military, I heard versions on that idiom. From that experience, I have seen the concept applied to other settings, athletic teams, businesses, networks-even a game show. A chain is extremely strong. When I think of chains, I think of how we are linked together-at work, at home, in our communities. We are all linked and, without a broken link, we can bind or pull nearly anything.